Build a realistic river - water/foam effect - Model railway - tutorial
Videos from the result:
In this video, I share with you how I made this H0 scale diorama section with the water effect.
Safety warning:
Modeling materials and tools can cause a health hazard, always read and follow the safety instructions, before starting working in order to minimize the risk.
Used materials for the building:
- 5mm plywood (as a base)
- White modeling plaster (for basic shapes and for rocks)
- Black-green-yellow-green water (wash for the plaster)
- Woodlands olive green turf (for moss)
- Noch static grass (2-4-6-8-12mm beige-green)
- Mod podge glossy (for the water effect)
- Mod podge matte (for turf and static grass)
- Epoxy resin (water effect)
- White acrylic paint (for highlighting rocks and the water)