Notre site Pour les textes voir dans rapports Notre FB : Notre chaîne yourtube: et nos publications Plainte 1 Preamble to the complaint Complaint by citizens of the world to demand the immediate and unconditional release, protection and compensation of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange, a citizen clearly identifiable by several distinctive signs. The citizen who embodies Julian Paul Assange concept is both a prisoner of war and a hostage of this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial government. He is also a witness for the prosecution in cases of human trafficking and paedocriminal networks. He is therefore in great danger because he is in the hands of those whose crimes he has denounced. He is imprisoned incommunicado, tortured and he was himself a victim of these networks which can only exist thanks to the extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state against which this complaint is made. We call upon the sovereign State of USA, the sovereign state of UK and all sovereign states to denounce the illegality of the mock trial of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange. This trial is not based on any legal charge and doesn’t respect amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America. We call upon the sovereign State of USA, the sovereign state of UK and all sovereign states to do everything possible to free him and allow him to testify publicly, through the media, against this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state under his birthday name how all citizen must do it. To date, he is the only living witness in a position to testify against this extra-constitutional and extra-territorial state, as well as against the paedocriminal and human trafficking. On his freedom and testimony depend the freedom of all citizens and the sovereignty of all states. Plaint 1 About Stella Morriz aka…
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