How To Develop ASP NET MVC Core and Entity Framework Core Sample Application Using Visual Studio Cod

In this video, you will learn an end to end for how to develop Core web App with Entity Framework Core. This video will provide a walk-through tutorial this includes MVC application development, Entity Framework migration. Then you will use a sample application on GitHub, this sample application is a sample To-do list using core and Entity Framework core application with a basic CRUD (create read update delete). So, the first step is just to clone this repo from GitHub on your local VM once you did that, you will start restoring the package and building the application migrating the Entity Framework locally on the local database and then run the application. After that you will see how to develop a new feature for the application and updating the DB and the web app. About ... #MRadwanMSF # # #Training #Tutorial #.NET_Core #Entity_Framework_Core #MVC #SQL_DB #DB_Migration 20191130 dQn6e5iJRnI
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