St Joseph (2022): MANY Will Be Called to the Father Very Soon! Others Must Prepare To Be Crucified!

Mexican Catholic mystic named Lorena who, of course, is under the guidance of some priests. She has been receiving messages in Spanish from Heaven for several years now and are being examined by priests especially before they are published. On April 22, 2022, Lorena received the following message from St. Joseph (translated from the original Spanish by her followers): 📖​End Times Spiritual Warfare: Essential Prayers and Sacramentals for Deliverance and Protection! 📖​ Pieta of the Apocalypse: Essential End Time Prayers and Promises =cm_sw_r_awdo_J8S5FVKD1BTDE38SVB2R FREE DELIVERY WORLDWIDE ! 📖​ Austrailian devotee
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