Unissued / Unused material.
The Atlantic Alliance - French build up (flashbacks).
LS Houses of Parliament, taken from Waterloo Bridge. LS Athens. MS people walking across bridge in the Netherlands. MS people on bridge in Istanbul. LS New York skyscrapers. MS Arc de Triomphe, Paris. LS soldiers waving, standing on grass bank. MS group of soldiers hugging and greeting each other. LS leaders meeting, including Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin at Yalta. CU Stalin. MS Churchill, Franklin D Roosevelt and Stalin seated. CU tractor, CU crops. CU wheat stacks. MS Russian soldiers marching. CU S
...talin saluting. CU map showing USSR.
Various shots of wounded and hungry receiving food, and mothers and children evacuating. CU Stalin. CU Vyacheslav Molotov signing paper. MS car being driven past with officials standing up in it. Various shots crowd marching. MS President Benes walking along lane with woman. CU Jan Masaryk lying in state. CU map. CU railway lines. Various shots harbour and barges. MS blockedShow more