METALLICA - ORION (Guitar cover with TAB | Lesson)

Tempo : 128 bpm - Standard Tuning. Tip for harmonized part : use your panoramic to hear each guitars : 100% Left is James / 100% Right is Kirk You got all riffs, all guitar solos and the harmonized part is related to album version, live versions, recent ones and Live Shit. Not too complicated, but pay attention to the pitch when bending strings during harmonized part. Good luck with this one ! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ TAB available in pdf : Number of pages : 15 Perfectly written and nice edit with everything you need to perform and and practice in a good way. Useful informations on my PayPal page 👊🏻 💀 👊🏻 ━━
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