What is a palindromic sequence in genetics?

The discovery of enzymes that could cut and paste DNA made genetic engineering possible. Restriction enzymes, found naturally in bacteria, can be used to cut DNA fragment at specific sequences, while another enzyme, DNA ligase, can attach or rejoin DNA fragments with complementary ends. #genetics #RestrictionEnzyme #DNA #polindromicSequence #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #enzyme #denature #protein #temperature #PH #lactose #ideal #lactoseIntolerance #activeSite #howEnzymesAreDestroyed #howEnzymesWork #tutorial #typesOfEnzymes #animation #purposeOfEnzymes #digestion #substrate #explanation #education #catalyst #cofactors #coenzymes #reactions #lactase #amoebaSistersEnzymes #inducedFit #enzymeAction #enzima #whatAreEnzymes #enzymes #enzymesBiochemistry
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