#EPIPHANY #Baptism #Bikini #swim #Іордан #Iceholebathing #водохреща #водосвят #купаниевпроруби #icebath #swimming #baptism #Иордан #winterswimming #крещение #lifestyle On this holiday, people, drawing water, bring it home and store it throughout the year. It stays fresh all this time. Also in January, they celebrate the Jordan or Epiphany (Jordan bathing (Epiphany bathing)). Bathing at Epiphany was not as massively popular as, for example, the rite of blessing water, but over time it nevertheless gained popularity. Why do people bathe in the Jordan and what are the traditions about this? According to the Orthodox tradition, everywhere on January, ice holes in the form of a cross were cut down in the ice of frozen rivers, called “Jordan“. A procession of the cross was performed to them in large cities and villages from early morning. Basically, those who were “hypocritical“ and sinned on Christmastide dived into the icy water in order to cleanse themselves of sinful filth in consecrated water, and some simply bathed “for health.“ And this is all, in spite of the severe frost, as a rule, always accompanying this holiday. В январе проводят праздник Иордан или Крещение (Иорданское купание (КРЕЩЕНСКИЕ КУПАНИЯ)). В Вечер Богоявления или как его еще называют Крещенский вечер, второй Святой Вечер или “Голодная кутья“ – украинцы, как и на Рождество, когда засияет вечерняя заря, собираются за столом всей семьей. На ужин подают постные блюда – вареники с капустой, гречневые блины на масле, кутью, узвар. Главная традиция праздника – освящение воды. В день Крещения освящают воду во всех церквях, а также освящают реки, пруды и озера – в них прорубается прорубь, в которую священнослужители опускают крест.
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