
厚着脸和邻居家要了一些废弃的菜坛子,一锤子下去敲成啥样就用啥样,种上花草,一样很好看。今年夏天的最后一季桃子,终于在果林里吃够了……熟透的蜜桃,香甜软糯,特别喜欢。也带了些回来,做些夏日小食~ ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. TI got some unwanted jars from neighbors. I randomly hammered the jars and they look pretty with flowers planted. Now that the last peaches are ripe, I finally had enough in the orchard. Ripe peaches are very sweet and tender, which are my favorite. I also brought many peaches back and made some summer dishes. 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,如果你喜欢我的视频,请持续关注我的频道, 我会在不同的平台分享我的生活,以及云南特色美食,祝你们天天开心,每天都有美食相伴~ YouTube【滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge】▶️ Facebook【滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge】 ▶️ Instagram【dianxixiaog
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