Les Twins, I Know Your Every Move 2012

Les Twins breaking hearts on the dance floor... Music: Diana, Catbox Music, Dirty Diana House Remix, Dirty Diana Hip Hop Remix, Candice Pillay featuring Shawna 2010 Cinematography: Nadia Kichkina at 0:24 Sony HD(best dressed camera operator holding a champagne glass and dancing while filming), Pavel Pogorzielski Canon5D (all Hollywood Shots), Ekatherina Stoyanova Sony HD (specialist in framing of action on very high heels and fashionista shots), Jean Marc Abela Canon 5D (Jean Paul Gaultier Designs Shots), Rossita Dove Canon 7D (Dancing Camera Experiment) Dancers: Les Twins, Mansour, Gio and the best looking crowd ever. Shot at the Windsor Station, Parc Avenue ( Mont Royal Cross), and the Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal 2011 Thanks to Cirque du Soleil, Gloria Ferrer, One Drop, Grand Sud Wines, The Spirit of Montreal, MBAM, VIOS Prod, CACQB and Directing and final cut: Rossita Dove
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