We see every part of us.
NARⱯSANTI is a band from Tallinn, Estonia performing music in Nu-Metal/Rapcore/Metalcore/Djent. We will please you with heavy riffs, as well as lyrics with psychological and social content.
Let me know, then you can see the words
Our God is upon us, you know
The clock is ticking like a metronome
Can’t control it? Take on the wave form
We are all children of the universe
Our God is upon us, at all
I’m losing days, burning years
Thinking like you, that I’m alive
Our God is upon us, at all
The clock is ticking like a metronome
Can’t control it? Take on the wave form
We are all children of the universe
Our God is upon us, at all
I’m losing days, burning years
But I’m alive
For so long in the end
Searching pieces again
There is nothing you’ll take
Oh-oh Oh-oh
Be aware of your wish
Time is not on your side
Take one step back
And please don’t look around
First at all
We make the awakening, wait a second
It’s great to restore forbidden faith
Are we infested
The world, you know, will be wrecked every day
It’s a lair of snakes
And all of us make mistakes
You don’t understand, never mind
It’s a moment of the take
A new cycle is about to start, after we get who is a liar
You only live once is bu -shhh- ’key
Maybe your body
You always have choices to procrastinate
I always have a reason to tell them the Name
God, I’m losing days, burning years
Thinking like a human, that I’m alive
That I’m alive
For so long in the end
Searching pieces again
There is nothing you’ll take
Oh-oh Oh-oh
Be aware of your wish
Time is not on your side
Take one step back
Please don’t look around
Don’t look around
Смотри, мы ищем неделями тут время на развитие
В смысле
Не вылезая из постели, теряем веру драгоценную
Мы в поисках спасителя
Кто-нибудь даст нам пинок, до тебя вряд ли дойдёт
Будем врать как Пиноккио
Продались за просто так
В шаге от пропасти
Я шарю, блин, с гордостью по полкам иронии
Сколько потеряли по пути людей
От каждого был опыт, да, его я заберу себе
Я социально слаб - это плохой пример
Я помню всех, кто хоть на каплю
Представляет из себя людей
Вроде надо нам просеивать, всю раз за разом
Инфу, причём, отсеиваем всю в раз - заразу
Который век ведётся четная борьба за разум
Я поднимаю флаг
Narasanti - one love
For so long in the end
Searching pieces again
There is nothing you’ll take
Nothing you’ll take
For so long in the end
Searching pieces again
There is nothing you’ll take
Oh-oh Oh-oh
📌 Social links:
🦁 Band members:
Dennis Grigorenko — Vocals —
Alexey Korchagin — Vocals —
Roman Ostrovski — Guitar, Samples —
Filipp Stanovoi — Guitar —
Kirill Balmassov — Bass —
Alexander Nekhoroshikh — Drums —
Manager: Valeria Homõšak —
🚨 Credits:
Music — Roman Ostrovski, Kirill Balmsassov, Alexander Nekhoroshikh
Recording, Mixing — Roman Ostrovski
Video — Jevgenia Ostrovskaja, Roman Ostrovski, Jevgeni Tsebunin
Edit — Roman Ostrovski, Jevgenia Ostrovskaja
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