How to Bake Bread | The SOFTEST Bread Recipe | Don’t buy bread anymore!

Delicious, easy, soft, and yummy bubble bread is very quick to bake. These fluffy milk bread rolls are so soft and are baked without egg. This white bread is so tasty for everyday morning breakfasts. Instructions: ► 200 ml / cup of warm milk (temperature between 105°F to 110°F) ► 3 tablespoons of sugar ► 6 grams / 2 teaspoons of active dry yeast ► Whisk well ► Let it stand for 10 minutes ► In a separate bowl: ► 250 grams / 1 ⅔ cups of wheat flour ► Half a teaspoon of salt ► Mix ► Add the milk and yeast mixture ► Mix ► 25 grams / 1 ½ teaspoons of melted butter ► Mix ► Cover up the bowl and let it stand for 1 hour ► Sprinkle flour on countertop ► Transfer the dough onto the countertop ► Make the dough into a ball shape ► Make the dough into a thin and rectangular shape ► Cut the dough into small pieces ► Make ea
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