Nine Minutes Of Pure Bullshido

We are back looking at the lighter side of martial arts. Watching this stuff might make you question martial arts, but these are only the bad apples. Whether you’re entertained, horrified, laughed out loud, flabbergasted, this is some amazing mindless make-belief in action. Let’s analyze, laugh, humorize, and most importantly, celebrate the imaginations of human beings who think they are the next Bruce Lee. For those of you who love Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, here are people trying to replicate it in real life. Leave your comments below and let us know who you see and what you want to add to the conversation and critique. 0:00 Fake Levitation 1:16 Fake Aikido 2:20 Fake Tai Chi 3:18 Pressure Point bullshido 4:01 Hop like bunnies 4:26 Fake Silat 5:17 Chin training 5:38 Fake one-inch punch 6:27 Mosh Pit training 6:56 Pressure Point bullshido 2 7:55 TCMA bullshido For those of you watching, please subscribe and like this video, and let us know what type of video you want to see more! More videos like this to come! Animation by Ben Li. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow #fightcommentarybreakdowns on social media and send us clips, thoughts, rants etc. Get exclusive commentary breakdowns on our other platforms. Rob Watt’s Coffee channel to fuel your martial arts: TFC’s YouTube channel: Xu MMA’s new channel: Grappz channel: Won BJJ YouTube channel: Kirara (Qi La La)’s channel: Disclaimer: this channel is not meant to replace actual instruction. We are an entertainment/discussion/parody channel meant to celebrate and also make light of martial arts. Please go train with an accredited school or gym. We DO NOT accept any responsibility for whatever happens to you in a fight or in training. Subscribe for more #martialarts! #fightcommentary Royalty-free music from YouTube Audio Library: I use music from Bensounds often too:
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