Only Piano - Loneliness

You can get the song here, together with all my other music, the song number is 278: You can also support me and my music directly on Patreon if you wish: Spotify: Facebook: iTunes: Twitter: #!/AdrianVZiegler I made a Fantasy language, you can get the 423-page dictionary and a 735-page book of Fantasy names here: I wanted to make the saddest, loneliest sounding music piece I could think of, so this is what this is. Very minimalist piano piece, which probably isn’t great for focused listening but hopefully suitable for having in the background for anybody who goes through a hard time and needs some music that understands their feelings. All music composed and arranged on keyboard, by myself as always. © All audio material is copyrighted by Adrian von Ziegler. The artwork was made by this great artist:
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