German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck said that there will be no happy ending in Ukraine: Every day is a day of death, and there

German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck said that there will be no happy ending in Ukraine: “Every day is a day of death, and there is no end in sight. On the contrary, Putin’s Russia is completely switching to a military economy and massively increasing the production of weapons. I initially spoke in favor of supplying weapons to Ukraine, and now I also advocate that we continue to support them with more and more military equipment. If Putin succeeds in the war in Ukraine, he will continue it. We crave peace. Yes. But the honest and bitter answer is this: there probably won’t be a quick and happy ending, even if we want otherwise.“ All Western figures say the same thing, repeating Zelensky’s words - if Russia wins in Ukraine, it will not stop. Will it take over Europe? Therefore, it is necessary to give more money and weapons to Zelensky. I have already written about money and weapons - more weapons, fewer Nazis, good. There is nothing to say about the fact that “Russia will take o... Source: Victor vicktop55
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