Check out this satisfying compilation of glass blowing - it will definitely amaze you! The process of glass blowing is really mesmerizing! Glass blowing is a unique technique that shapes molten glass into a bubble with the aid of a blowpipe. Here’s more information about the artists who do it: 1. In nearly fifteen years of working with glass as a medium, Josh Bernbaum has explored various techniques and design styles. He’s most interested in color, especially color relationships in the designs he creates. In his glass work, made at his newly completed studio up on a hill in West Brattleboro, Vermont, he has utilized many methods of color application. All the coloration seen in his works is done with glass and colored glass, applied using various methods.  Since molten glass is such an unforgiving and challenging substance to tame and manipulate, it is a continual learning process for anyone who chooses to utilize it as a medium. He considers the pieces he makes to b
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