LEGEND OF KRONAN - ORKS OF OMEN: BASHTORR THIS IS A SKIT! A harmless laugh at Vashtorr and the Arks of Omen narrative campaign from Games Workshop. Legend of Kronan Da Kunnin The Legend of Kronan is an intensely silly look at the possible route an Ork warboss might take to the heady heights of leading a full Waaargh. The ultimate expression of the Ork army. This is all a self-written and performed piece and is never ever to be considered cannon. Ever. Like not under any circumstances at all. Or otherwise the Adipi Arse starters will be sent to get me by the Insquitition. And we don’t want that now do we? No. Because that would be awful. PATREON LINK: Art notes: Kronan: Mark Ransom: Bashtorr: Oskar Manuel: Custodes: Dmitriy Mironov:
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