LIVE CHAT with Brian Berletic (New Atlas) & Alex: DIRTY BOMB, Drones, Ukraine, Taiwan, Russia, China

LIVE CHAT with Brian Berletic (New Atlas) & Alex: Discuss DIRTY BOMB, Drones, Ukraine, Taiwan, Russia, China Find Brian Berletic on below: YouTube: Telegram: SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL iChongqing, get to know the secret metropolis of China. Latest news, business opportunities, travel guides, and traditional food and culture. Everything about Chongqing in one place, you can find us here: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: LINKEDIN: PTE, & Alex OCT 20 6PM Beijing OCT 20th 11AM London SUBSCRIBE TO THESE CHANNELS iChongqing PTE Wolf Warrior Diplomat PTE World Gone Crazy Reporterfy Media
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