Scientists Discover Two New Subspecies of Denisovans!

💯 Support the channel and get Fishing Clash on your iOS/Android device for free ! Use my gift code ANCIENTFISHING to get an awesome reward for a total value of $20, and share your biggest catch in the pinned comment! Scientists just discovered two previously unknown human species on this island. Denisovan humans are a previously unknown species that lived on the island of Papua New Guinea up until about 15,000 years ago. These discoveries were made by a team of researchers who used DNA sequencing to study the genomes of a group of humans who live on the island today. The findings of this s...tudy will help us to better understand the evolutionary history of humans, and give us a better understanding of the Denisovans. So if you’re curious about the evolutionary history of humans, make sure to check out this story! It’s going to be fascinating. SOURCES: ’Multiple Deeply Divergent Denisovan Ancestries in Papuans’ (19)
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