Evil alien agendas, Pres. Eisenhower, and the different cosmic beings involved in our hidden history

In this eye opening interview, Corina discusses the alien agenda with Elena Danaan. They also discuss the hidden history; the once classified records (now, unclassified), the part of President Eisenhower’s presidency that involved what is perhaps the most covered up part of our history. They discuss the meeting President Eisenhower and his cabinet had with Val Thor, and his warning to them. Also discussed will be the catastrophic agreements sign behind president Eisenhower’s back with the evil grays; the result of those agreements signed, where we go from here as a humanity, and what we should do. Lastly, but most importantly, the power that God gave us as His children, the teachings and example Jesus gave us about who we truly are, and the power we really have. P.S. Note to self (producer Wendy): #1. Don’t schedule an interview when you have your 2 year old grand baby.(Sorry for the crying in the background at the beginning) #2. Don’t allow Corina to go on-camera with a turquoise sweater th
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