The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi by Giacomo LEOPARDI read by Various | Full Audio Book
The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi by Giacomo LEOPARDI (1798 - 1837), translated by Frederick TOWNSEND ( - )
Genre(s): Single author
Read by: rodgrover, Rosslyn Carlyle, John Trevithick, Jennifer Woodside, Nassali, Ken Masters, Anusha Iyer, sarah louise pieplow, Amanda Vickery, Filippo Festuccia, Stav Berman in English
00:00:00 - 01 - Preface by O.B. Frothingham
00:06:10 - 02 - Dedication
00:08:55 - 03 - To Italy, 1818
00:16:08 - 04 - On Dante’s Monument, 1818
00:26:48 - 05 - To Angelo Mai, on his Discovery of the Lost Books of Cicero, ’De Republica’
00:35:25 - 06 - To his Sister Paolina, on her Approaching Marriage
00:41:09 - 07 - To a Victor in the Game of Pallone
00:45:05 - 08 - The Younger Brutus
00:53:50 - 09 - To the Spring, or of the Fables of the Ancients
00:59:57 - 10 - Hymn to the Patriarchs, or of the Beginnings of the Human Race
01:07:47 - 11 - The Last Song of Sappho
01:13:13 - 12 - First Love
01:18:38 - 13