INAZUMA ELEVEN RE – Teaser Trailer

INAZUMA ELEVEN RE Official site: Development blog: X: *The information in the video is current at the time of this video’s release. *The translations in this trailer are provisional and may be subject to change before release. *The version shown in this video is under development and may differ from the final product in some aspects. 《闪电十一人 RE》 官方網站: 開發日誌: ※宣傳網站僅支援日文、英文。 ※此影片中的內容為暫譯,正式版可能會有所更動。 ※影片展示的遊戲畫面為開發中版本,可能與正式版有所出入。 #InazumaEleven #LEVEL5 #HyperdimensionalSoccerGame #CharacterCollectionAndFootballSimulationRPG
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