Footwork Warmup Circuit Level II.

Comprehensive warmup exercises for footwork applicable for all three weapons. Level II. exercises are for novice and intermediate fencers to refine form, tempo, and balance, and for more advanced fencers who desire a soft warmup prior to focused training. List of Warmup Stretches: 1). Hip Opening - 3 steps forward, lift knee forward and rotate to side and back to forward from hip, lower, three steps forward, and repeat with other leg. 2). High-Knee Jack - 3 steps forward, push off ground on one leg while raising other toward the chest while raising arms straight overhead. Land, 3 steps forward, and repeat with other leg. 3). Side Shuffle - 3 lateral steps, rotate, 3 lateral steps, and repeat. List of Exercises: 1). March - 3 metre advance switching to 4 metre advance on non-dominant side, and then returning to dominant side for remaining 3 metre advance finishing with lunge. 2). Agility Ladder - two toes in, two toes out, return in, advance, and repeat, transitioning to 2.5 metre march on non-dominant side switching to 2.5 metre march to dominant side, then back into agility ladder, repeat the ladder drill. 3). Lunge Hurdles - in engarde position, hope over lateral hurdle, hop over forward hurdle, balestra followed by lunge, recover forward, hope over lateral hurdle, hop over forward hurdle, and repeat. Duration: 15min. Prior to starting the circuit, allow for a minimum of 5 minutes for stretching. osmfencing@
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