BRAZIL / DEFENCE: Brazil mechanises cavalry ready for overseas service (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Shots of the Brazilian army’s new hardware, including jeeps and miniature tanks. Full Description: BRAZIL: Recife: Pernambuce: EXT LV troops running to Jeep cars in shed. Semi side view troops getting into Jeep cars. LV Jeep cars moving away with troops. Semi side view line of small tanks with crews moving out of shed. SV towards, tanks moving along road with crews. GV tank across small stream, “CLUB“ on turret. CU man in tank firing machinegun. GV six tanks towards along road with crews. SV six tanks along road pan to BV. Military - Active; Vehicles; Brazilian army; Brazilian soldiers; Brazilian troops; miniature tanks Background: Shots of the Brazilian army’s new hardware, including jeeps and miniature tanks. FILM ID: VLVA7SWP6QCN8IYK6T42Q4GQN5MCI To license this film, visit
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