How-To Wire Wrap Amethyst Crystals without holes

How-to wire wrap amethyst crystals into beautiful pendants. Perfect for beginners Watch me make 3 wraps with easy techniques and using 2 different types of amethyst; both from Brazil In this video we will go from the jump how to make the bail and secure the crystals, all of which do not have holes. Chevron amethyst and a new kind of Amethyst are coiled up in this quick 11 minute tutorial. Here I used 18 gauge copper square wire & These links are the closest to the sources I use for my information and for tools =sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=large bail making pliers&qid=1560458194&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1 =sr_1_6?m=A20EFMN50A295K&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&qid=1560458572&s=merchant-items&sr=1-6 =sr_1_1?keywords=the crystal bible Judy hall&
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