Best of Black Metal in Q1 2017

0:00 Grima - Atmospheric Black Metal (Russia) Track/Album The Moon and its Shadows - Tales of the Enchanted Forest 1:44 Void Ritual - Black Metal (USA) Track/Album: Benevolent Mother - Spirits of the Black Past 3:07 Pillorian - Black Metal (USA) Track/Album: Archaen Divinity - Obsidian Arc 4:48 Ghâsh - Atmospheric Black Metal (Chile) Track/Album: Goat - Goat 6:14 Violet Cold - Atmospheric Black Metal (Azerbaijan) Track/Album: She spoke of her Devastation - Anomie 7:57 Nemesis Sopor - Black Metal (Germany) Track/Album: Untertan - MMXL 9:50 The Great Old Ones - Black Metal (France) Track/Album: When the Stars align - EOD: A Tale of Dark Legacy 11:37 Dumal - Black Metal (USA) Track/Album: Spring will never come - The lesser God 13:13 Woe - Black Metal (USA) Track/Album: Unending call of Woe - Hope Attrition 14:35 Lorn - Experimental Black Metal (Italy) Track/Album: Abstract Trap - Arrayed Claws
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