MOMOLANDBBoom BBoom 720 x 1280 sm38049479

This is the last video of this year! I tried to retake it so much lol It’s a song that feels like dancing for the first time I’m a little scared of your reaction lol Thank you for this year! I look forward to working with you next year! I’ll dance various songs next year! Thank you for your follow-up! We will continue to release many videos ~ ♪♪ 新機能が私にも搭載されてハートボタンも増えたみたいです!♡下さい(//∇//) 本家様…ttps:// 振り付け参考様… ワッター(mylist/65574976) 前回の動画…ヒロインたるもの! (sm38043081) オススメの動画…センパイ。(sm37225028) *少しアレンジ入ってると思います、すみません、、! 12/31/2020 17:00 Views 1,274
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