Billiard player gets married (1919)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Tom Newman (billiard and snooker player of note) marries beneath an arch of cue sticks Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Wedding of Tom Newman ENGLAND: EXT ENGLAND MAIN TITLE (11ft) LV & SV. Bride arriving at church. (16ft) LV & SV. Bride & groom pass under arch of billiard cues on leaving the church. Assembled guests shower them with confetti. (27ft) SV. Carriage. (34ft) SV. Bridesmaids pose with bride & groom. (43ft) CU. Bride & groom. (50ft) SV. Bride cutting wedding cake. (58ft) Rites of Passage, Personalities - Sport Tom Pratt, billiard cues, play, player, wed, wedding, marriage, bride, groom, couple, bridesmaids Background: Tom Newman (billiard and snooker player of note) marries beneath an arch of cue sticks FILM ID: VLVA96GULPDG6YQX0UUE4AZ4AQ1Q1 To license this film, visit
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