Biblical rainfall floods China! Scenes of chaos shock the World!

Heavy rain hit Jiangxi province, causing severe flooding. Heavy rains in Jiangxi led to floods that inundated large areas. Local residents of Jiangxi faced a storm of water due to prolonged downpours. Flooding in Jiangxi province is caused by heavy rains that have not stopped for several days. The rains caused widespread flooding in various areas of Jiangxi. Jiangxi is experiencing severe consequences of long rains, which have led to extensive flooding. With heavy rainfall in Jiangxi province, there is a growing threat of flooding. Flooding in Jiangxi led to the evacuation of thousands of people from flooded areas. Jiangxi authorities are taking measures to combat the flooding and provide assistance to those affected. Flooded roads and houses in Jiangxi province create serious difficulties for people’s movement and habitat. Farmland in Jiangxi was hit by heavy rainfall, causing fields to flood. Schools and businesses in Jiangxi had to be temporarily closed due to the current extreme situation. Rescue services in Jiangxi are actively involved in evacuation and relief operations. Heavy rain in Jiangxi caused river levels to rise and a sharp increase in water in reservoirs. Residents of Jiangxi face the threat of losing their homes and property due to widespread flooding. Natural disasters in the form of heavy rains and floods have become a continuous problem in Jiangxi. Jiangxi emergency services are working in crisis mode to cope with the consequences of the disaster. Heavy rainfall in Jiangxi province caused flooding comparable to a major natural disaster. The people of Jiangxi face the threat of epidemics and disease outbreaks due to floods and destruction. Heavy rainfall in Jiangxi has affected infrastructure and communications. Flooded areas in Jiangxi remain inaccessible to medical services, worsening the crisis. A state of emergency has been declared in Jiangxi due to heavy rains causing catastrophic flooding. Local residents join forces to resist floods and restore public infrastructure. Farmland in Jiangxi is at risk of destruction due to prolonged rains. Large-scale recovery efforts have begun in Jiangxi after heavy rain and flooding. #china #flood #rain #weather #news
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