Idioms with numbers - Advanced English Vocabulary Lesson

Idioms with numbers - Advanced English Vocabulary Lesson Learn some of the handpicked idioms with numbers ranging from one-to-ten One track mind - to think entirely or almost entirely about one subject Bob has a one-track mind. He can only talk about football. Cut two ways- to affect both sides of an issue equally. If our side cannot take along supporters to the game, then yours cannot either. The rule has to cut both ways. See also: both, cut, ways Phony as a three-dollar bill- Something that is bogus. The whole deal stinks. It’s as queer as a three-dollar bill. On all fours- on one’s hands and knees. I dropped a contact lens and spent an hour on all fours looking for it. Take five- to take a five-minute rest period; to take a short break. Okay, everybody. Take five! Hey, Bob. I’m tired. Can we take five? Deep-six something or someone to get rid of someone or something; to dispose of someone or something. (Refers originally to burying someone or something six feet deep, the standard depth of
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