The Mongol Destruction of Baghdad

Check out Past Present Future here! —-------- The most devastating Mongol attack in history. After demolishing the Order of Assassins, Hulagu Khan leads an enormous Mongol army against the great city of Baghdad. The Abbasid caliph has angered the Mongols, and his people will suffer for it. Few will survive the wrath of the Khan. A huge thank you to@TheJackmeisterMongolHistory for all the guidance on this one! —------------ SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL Join the Patreon here! ORIGINAL ART PRINTS dose COOL HISTORY MERCH Buy episode-themed merch here! —--------------------- An enormous thanks to all of our Patreon supporters, especially: Carlos Nevarez MK AdamYang2049 Lucas Fratzke Dilovan Kamil Katheryn McWilliams Andre Vo Bug VS Windshield Nathan Racher Matthew Sa
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