Guess what did fly to Konstantinovka

🇺🇦 Guess what did fly to Konstantinovka. The main assumption is that this was a HARM-88 radar missile. The milestones for launching such missiles are just in the Kramatorsk-Druzhovka area. And some channels a few minutes before the incident reported launches. (Photo 1) If you watch the second video, you will clearly see that the explosion occurred in the air, there was no contact with the ground, the fragments cut through everything. Also, the Harma warhead is rather big - 68 kg, which was enough to set fire to nearby cars and counters. Initially, the option was considered that it was a S-200 or another air defense missile, but no, the warheads of such missiles start at 100 kg and would bring much more damage. In the third video, slow motion, where the cars show how the rocket is already diving. It is ironic that crests have already managed to shoot a propaganda video (video1) and it is there that at 3:37 another plane is apparently heard, which made everyone crap. It was also suggested that it could be a Himars M30A1 projectile, but rather not. Most of the signs point to Harm, but this option should not be completely ruled out. Источник: Lord Of War
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