Near East Peace Pact Signed (1922)

Constantinople, Turkey. Full titles read: “NEAR EAST PEACE PACT SIGNED - and everbody’s happy here and in Turkish Capital.“ L/S’s of historical building in Constantinople. L/S’s of large crowds of people, some are clapping. L/S’s of crowds walking in procession with flags and banners. There is a real carnival atmosphere. L/S of Turkish dignitary. Intertitle reads: “General Harington’s firmness backed by constant stream of British Troops, had marked effect on Turkish attitude.“ L/S of General Sir Charles Harington standing on balcony with three other senior looking military officials. L/S’s of hundreds of soldiers marching through the streets. Intertitle reads: “The man who brought us Peace - - General Sir Charles Harington - exclusive Pathe Gazette Portrait.“ Good M/S of Harington in full military uniform posing for the camera. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC
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