The iconic Japanese horror-adventure series, PROJECT ZERO, will be making its way to current generation platforms, with PROJECT ZERO: MAIDEN OF BLACK WATER releasing on Nintendo Switch™, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows PC via Steam® across Europe in 2021. PROJECT ZERO: MAIDEN OF BLACK WATER takes players to the eerie Mt. Hikami, a sacred location haunted by bizarre and unfortunate occurrences – and a place where the water is believed to be housed by vengeful spirits. Through the eyes of Yuri Kozukata, Ren Hojo, and Miu Hinasaki, they will rely on just a flashlight and a unique camera – the Camera Obscura - with the ability to take pictures of ghosts, as they explore the mountain to find those who have disappeared. The title is an enhanced version of 2014’s Wii U release of the same name, which includes upgraded visuals to match the latest hardware advancements – offering an even more terrifying and immersive experience. Fans of this iconic series can not only play on th
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