Prime-Time | GDBOP & SOBT (Bulgarian Directorates for the Prevention of Organised Crime)

Song: Power Glove - Motorcycle Cop SOBT was formed from the roots of its predecessor, the SOMP (Specialised Operations Militia Unit/Специално оперативно милиционерско поделение) which was formed in late 1978 to combat anything related to terrorism; notably hijackings and terrorist attacks. In May of 1986, the unit’s name was changed from the Specialised Operational Militia Unit to the “Specialised Unit for Combating Terrorism“ or in Bulgarian “Специално поделение за борба с тероризма“. In 2003, it was yet again changed to the “Specialised Force for Combating Terrorism“ (“Специализиран отряд за борба с тероризма“) or SOBT. GDBOP is roughly the same, with the exception of the SOBT acting for the Ministry of Interior instead of being under the subordination of investigative powers. Thank you for watching!
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