In this video, we explore the ATTiny45 and how to program it using the Arduino as a programmer. The ATTiny45 is a small chip with a ton of power to shrink-ify your Arduino projects. This AVR chip packs a punch! Here, we learn how to program the ATTiny45 and write a basic program in baremetal C on the device to allow us to make small, efficient code. Writing code for smaller chips like the ATTiny is a lot of fun!
0:00 Intro
0:34 Programmer Setup
1:03 Hookup
2:01 AVR C Programming
5:28 Demo
5:34 LED Hookup
6:00 Outro
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this is the at tiny 45 an avr microcontroller from the at tiny series of eight pin avr microcontrollers if you have a small arduino or avr project using a small chip like the tiny 45 is an easy way to reduce the size cost and power consumption of your project also working on small chips is just fun today we’ll be riding bare metal c onto the tiny 45 using the avr gcc tool chain it’s way easier than you think i promise if you don’t have the tiny 45 but you have another 80 tiny chip like the 85 or the 35 this tutorial will work for you as well to program the tiny 45 we’ll need two things the tiny 45 itself the target and a programmer in this video i’ll be using an arduino uno as a programmer to set up the uno as a programmer open your arduino ide go to examples and arduino isp choose the right board for me it’s the uno choose the right com port choose the avr isp as a programmer and hit upload once that’s done your arduino is ready to be used as an arduino programmer the tiny45 is programmed over isp or in system programming over its spi bus to program the tiny45 we’ll have to connect two systems of the chip to the programmer the first being power so pins 4 and 8 and the second being the spi bus so pins 5 through 7 for data and pin 1 for the reset control during the programming process
Теги: arduino,attiny45 programming,avr programming,baremetal programming,embedded c,embedded systems,embedded systems programming
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