Should Olympia Bodybuilders Post Pics BEFORE Olympia? Palumbo’s RANT!

Dave Palumbo weighs in on whether an Olympia bodybuilder should be posting pictures prior to the Olympia, and if so, what should and should not be acceptable prior to the big show. RXMuscle’s coverage of the 2023 Olympia is powered by MuscleTech. Visit . - Subscribe to the RXMuscle YouTube channel! Never miss an RX TV show, segment, or update. Sign up to become an member (free registration): Follow RXMuscle on Instagram: Follow RXMuscle on Facebook: Follow RXMuscle on Twitter: and RX Television is your home for the best bodybuilding news, contest coverage, original feature programming, and opinions from the top analysts and pros in the bodybuilding world. RX CLIP Dave answers this and other questions on #askDave, RXMuscle’s weekly 30-min Q&
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