How to FIX Forward Head Posture - Proven by Science (22 studies) + Myth Busting!

How to Fix Forward Head Posture with scientifically proven methods and exercises? There is a huge misunderstanding around the concept of Forward Head Posture and what causes it. In this video, you’ll find a dense presentation of all the factors that cause forward head posture and how to fix it. In addition, I devote a large part of the video to debunking the most common myths and misconceptions around this topic. It is my belief that in order to fix something for good, you need to have a clear understanding of what is true (and why it’s true) and what is not ( why it’s not). Are you sure you have Forward Head Posture? Assessing your posture is a serious and time-consuming process that I didn’t analyze in this video. One sure thing is that you need to know if you do have forward head posture to try to fix it. As I mentioned, FHP many times comes as a result of a hyperkyphotic thorax. Take the time to evaluate your posture with my free detailed postural assessment guide. It too
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