Hermann Goering - 1946 | Movietone Moment | 15 October 2021

On this day in 1946, Hermann Goering committed suicide. Here is a British Movietone report from the Nuremberg Trials. SEE 46710 FOR REELS 1,2 & 3 - United States of America tribunal. General shot of court with Goering seated in box at the back of the room. American lawyer speaks of concentration camps. He asks Goering a question about same. Goering answers question in German. American lawyer asks about order issued by Goering that political police would not be subject to court review or to court orders. Goering answers at some length. A closer view of Goering as a lawyer reiterates his question. Goering seems to be very pleased with himself as he answers. He smiles to himself. Various shots of Goering speaking and listening to questions put to him, also general shots of court. Lawyer asks about propaganda and executive organizations that would carry out killings. Lawyer asks about organisations such as the SS, SA and SD dealing with people “on a physical level“. MS of people in court listening to questions
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