Exercise Final Fling - Helicopter Carry Paratroops (1962)

Aldershot Area, Hampshire. MS. & CU. Paratroops in combat dress sitting on grass verge blacking each other’s faces and checking arms. Various shots of the troops boarding helicopter (Belvedere) in full combat dress. Various shots of the helicopter taking off. Various shots, from inside the helicopter looking out of side door, at the countryside below about 200 feet up. Various shots of the troops leaving the helicopter and run for cover as flares go off all round the helicopter takes off again. LS. Troops run for cover. LS. Two Westland Whirlwind helicopters. Various shots of the troops moving through wooded area and taking up position in undergrowth. Troops in camouflage gear hide in long grass. CU. A soldier firing a Bren Gun. Two shots of radio operators carrying sets on there backs. Troops running across open plain. Various shots of the troops firing at the others and running across open plain. They manage to clash and fighting takes place. Various shots of the paratroops digging. Various shots of the
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