Battleship Shikishima - 510mm guns penetrate armor like paper

Shikishima — Japanese special premium Tier X battleship. The plans for the Yamato-class battleships included the construction of eight ships before 1950. At the beginning of 1941, the program was adjusted: Based on intelligence data on the scale of construction of capital ships in the U.S., the leadership of the Japanese Navy decided to increase the number of battleships under construction. One of the ships was supposed to be built according to the design of the Yamato class, and all subsequent ones—according to an improved design with 510 mm main battery artillery. A six-gun variant with three main battery turrets had a standard displacement of 65,700 tons. my second World of Warships channel . @trashtier Send your replays: or mail @ toptierreplays@ World of Warships mods: im using offical mod station - 1- Adjustable Panels 2- Score Timer 3- Running Lights 4-
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