Prime Minister And Mrs Attlee At Walcheren (1947)

Walcheren, Holland / The Netherlands. Mr and Mrs Attlee plant trees on the Dutch island of Walcheren. CU a diagrammatic map of the island of Walcheren. MS a formation of planes flying over it, superimposed over it fading to bombs being released and the sea walls exploding. CU Screenful of turbulent water fading into waves breaking on the shore. MS Water swallowing up the land after the sea wall has been bombed. Preceding shots are flashbacks to 1940. LS Elevated shots of a convoy of cars driving along the causeway. MS Dutch men waiting to see the tree planting ceremony. MS Princess Juliana of Holland arriving to plant a tree and with Dr Beel, Premier of Holland. CU a Dutch woman, wearing a tight bonnet on her head and holding a young child in her arms. LS Clement Attlee arriving on the scene. CU the Dutch flag flying from a window. MS Attlee Speaking (nat sound). MS Attlee planting a tree. MS of Mrs Violet Attlee planting tree. MS Princess Juliana and Attlee and Dr Beel leaving after the cer
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