102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (PS1) [Part 4] - The Underground and Carnival
Aaaaand... this part of the game I was NOT looking forward to. Both levels were super bad for me one way or another. “The Underground“ is the most annoying and dangerous level thanks to one of worst enemies in game - Battleships. I swear, most of the time I end up getting hit, whenever I try to destroy them. Basically, they’re tanks, but on water and WORSE. And this level is really high candidate of potential life loss. Oh, and getting all bones is nightmare too. Missed some bones? Well, too bad. Go back and get them. Ugh, this is why I hate this level and I’m glad I’m done with it. “Carnival“ is NOT as awful as “The Underground“. However, three annoying moments did happen. One, I got way too many hits to the point me almost losing life. Two, roller coaster attraction is notorious for button mashing and if you play on ACTUAL gamepad, you might say goodbye to one of your buttons. And three, bouncing attraction should just go straight to heck. Because, this attraction gave me A LOT pain to my eyes from constant bouncing. It didn’t help is that I must get all bones on that room, which is easier said than done. So, yeah... another least favorite level. But at very least, we can now move to MORE enjoyable levels.
Game Developed by Toys for Bob and Published by Eidos Interactive
“102 Dalmatians“ characters belongs to Walt Disney Studios.