Why is this demon sprouting serpents? | Bartolomé Bermejo | National Gallery

Snakes for arms; scaly, avian legs; and moth-like wings, find out why this late-Gothic demon was the stuff of nightmares in its day with Daniel Sobrino Ralston, Acting Associate Curator of 1600‒1800 Paintings. 🎨 Find out more about ’Saint Michael triumphant over the Devil’ by Bartolomé Bermejo: 🎨 Find out more about Bartolomé Bermejo: 🎞 Subscribe to our YouTube channel and never miss a video: Follow us on social media! ⭐️ Twitter ⭐️ ⭐️ Instagram ⭐️ ⭐️ TikTok ⭐️ @nationalgallerylondon ⭐️ Facebook ⭐️ https://en-gb.f
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