Full Body Mobility Workout - Animal Locomotion

Download Your Free e-book: “How to Maximize Your First Year of Climbing“ - the guide I wish I had when I started: ---------------------- Mobility is the key that grants us access to freedom of movement. By combining strength, flexibility, and coordination, we are able to link together individual moves and flow through transitions. Whatever your sport, mobility practice should be a regular part of your training. To get you started, here are 7 exercises you can practice anywhere. ---------------------- STUFF I USE AND RECOMMEND: Climbing Gear Best slipper shoe | Moccasym | Great moderate shoe | La Sportiva Katana | Performance aggressive shoes | La Sportiva Miura | High quality chalk | Frictionlabs Unicorn Dust 10oz | Crag pack (doubles as soft pad) | Black Diamond Pipe Dream 45 | Quick draws
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