NASA Mission Control Console close-up view displays 1970 (PHILCO-Ford; Apollo MOCR Computer Houston)

NASA Apollo Mission Control Houston close-up displays: 1970. The following is unusually high quality video of the display screens and operator consoles of the NASA Mission Control Room, taken in 1970. This is after the Apollo11 and Apollo 13 flights and before the launch of Apollo 14. The footage is silent, so we have added narration and explanatory text in parts of the film. It provides a unique close up look at the displays as they appeared over 50 years ago. This is PRIOR to the 2017-2019 restoration project. These are operational consoles during the Apollo program. These higher-resolution film clips are from NASA archives. Designed and implemented by PHILCO-Ford. MOCR = Mission Operations Control Room. Editing: Victor Kaminsky; Consulting: Mark Greenia. Some related videos can be found here: Apollo Mission Control Center Restoration Apollo Flight
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