Victoria de los . La Moore accompanying.

Victoria de los Angeles in TV studio recording Spanish and French songs.. Age 45 years. Gerald Moore at the piano. Transmitted at Christmas 1968. La Tempranica----Spanish Song. English Translation: The tarantula’s an evil little critter You can’t kill it with sticks or with stones For it runs off and hides in corners And it’s sting is wicked Ay mother! I don’t know what’s up with me Only yesterday I went into the threshing barn And now I’m shaking all over. I must have been stung By the nasty tarantula And now I’m really ill. Their blood is so bad May the devils eat one another! To hell with the spider That on it’s stomach Has a painted guitar! Dancing is the only cure for this terrible pain. Ay! Curse the spider that stung me! I’m not afraid of thunderbolts or bullets I’m not afraid of the worse things My dad’s done to me; He’s more handsome tha
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