Shindo Life: Chu Tailed Spirit (Gen 2) Showcase

Today ill be doing the Chu spirit showcase since you guy requests me to do the 8 tail i will do it somehow soon so enjoy this video. timestamp 0:00 - Intro 0:47 - 1st form 3:08 - 2nd form 4:10 - 3rd form 5:01 - 4th form 5:55 - 5th form 6:51 - 6th form 7:46 - 7th form 8:50 - 8th form 10:21 - 9th form 11:40 - 6 Path 13:13 - Outro discord: link to Shindo life: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ premiere pro and photoshop Tags What exactly is ROBLOX? ROBLOX is a virtual playground and workshop for kids of all ages to communicate, create, have fun, and learn in a secure environment. It’s one of a kind in that almost everything on ROBLOX is designed and built by members of the community. ROBLOX is aimed at children aged 8 to 18, however, it is accessible to people of all ages. Each particip
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