【Kagamine Rin・Len + 7】Master of the Heavenly Yard【Fanmade PV ft. @RyuSouta】

「 君に会いに行くよ」 Geez! This thing was an adventure. You see, if you’ve known me for a while, you’ll know that in the past I said that I wouldn’t do a PV for this song, mainly because when mothy released the original video a lot of people were critical (bordering on being rude) about the quality of the video, a video of 15 minutes. And now after finishing I can confirm that I was right to get angry with them, this video took almost ONE YEAR to finish, using existing illustrations some new ones, I can’t imagine illustrating and animating a video of this length from scratch, my respects to Ichika and mothy (I put my entire year on hold to complete this project so I understand why making a very elaborate video wasn’t a viable option for them). I want to thank once again my partner in making these PV’s @RyuSouta , as he did an amazing job covering the 15 minutes of the song, which tells the events of the novel
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