Agarwood(MV)沉香- AI-Created| 烟火世间的凝香(AI Maigc)|JXX

《金缕衣》中,杜秋娘写道:“无限恨,沈香亭北倚阑干。”(无尽的哀愁,在沉香亭北倚靠栏杆)​​。 沉香,这烟火世间的凝香,仿佛寄托了无穷的哀愁与思念。我想象着那个场景:月色朦胧,清风轻拂,一个孤影独自倚靠在沉香亭的栏杆上,望着远方,思绪如波涛般翻滚。她的眼中,是否藏着离别的泪光?她的心里,又是否充满了未了的情愫? 配乐:張杰、張靚穎【沉香】Official Lyric Video - 電視劇《沉香如屑》主題曲 In “Golden-threaded Robe,“ Du Qiuniang wrote, “Endless sorrow, leaning on the railing north of the Chenxiang Pavilion.“ (Endless grief, leaning against the railing of Chenxiang Pavilion.) Agarwood, the fragrance of the mortal world, seems to bear endless sorrow and longing. I envision that scene: The moon shrouded in haze, a gentle breeze caressing, a solitary figure leans against the railing of Chenxiang Pavilion, gazing into the distance. Her thoughts churn like tumultuous waves. Do her eyes hide the tears of parting? Is her heart filled with unfulfilled emotions?
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